September 15, 2013


Silver Factory Merchandising was created to build a platform for artistes, specifically Caribbean artistes, to generate an additional revenue stream for their brands in the ever changing music business landscape.

The company created a complete collection for its first client, reggae recording artiste I-Octane, that features clothing designs for daily use that his fans all over the world can feel comfortable wearing.

The collection, Design By Odyssy, also incorporates lifestyle items such as mugs, ashtrays and even a skateboard.

I-Octane stated that this was a way of investing in his brand.

"It's about brand development for me and my team along with opening additional revenue streams as a 100 per cent independent artiste. That's why I've kept investing in my brand. I know my worth based on my investments, and I know where I stand in the business, I'm a touring artiste with a strong brand name, so merchandising was natural step," he said.

He added that he believes this investment will be long term.

"Merchandising is a global business, so for me it's not based on revenue I can generate in Jamaica, but rather making money outside of the island, and investing back into Jamaica. As far as other artistes doing merchandise, I highly encourage it the way the music is set up. It's imperative for the artiste to do that to not only make income but keep building their brand."

Source: Jamaica-star

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