April 15, 2014

ChroniXX Respond To Platinum Camp Email Blast ChroniXX Suffered a Chronic Beating in Paris France Part 2 PLATINUM CAMP EXCLUSIVE

  • Chronixx Suffered a Chronic Beating in Paris Part 2

The contents of all Email Blast does not reflect the views or opinion of Daddy Bigg$ or Platinum Camp Records In response to yesterday's eblast titled 'Chronixx Suffered a Chronic Beating in Paris France', Platinum Camp Records have been contacted by Chronixx lawyer and one of the producers of the event asking for a retraction on the story. Let's make this clear, Platinum Camp did not write the story
therefore Platinum Camp cannot retract the story, we simply blast the story. Two eyewitnesses have confirmed the story but we also reserve the rights to protect the identity of our sources. As we are an equal opportunity entity, we have offered the same opportunity and platform to Chronixx to air his side of the story!


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