March 23, 2015

Warrior King re-charting his journey

Kingston, JAMAICA: - For some of Warrior King’s fans, especially in Jamaica, their relationship with the artiste could very well be summed up as “out of sight, out of mind” and no-one is more aware of this than Warrior King himself.

However, the “Virtuous Woman” singer is committed to taking definitive steps to change all of that and re-connect in a huge way, starting with his most recent single Aint Giving Up. He ruefully admits to keeping a low profile in Jamaica for the last two and a half years, but hastens to add that he has not been idle; instead he has been travelling extensively overseas, building his brand on a global level and maintaining his expected high standards. Quite satisfied with that rhythm and flow, Warrior King is eyeing Jamaica and the Caribbean as his happy hunting ground for 2015.

“Jamaica is where it all started; it was the launch pad for the international circuit. From day one of my career, I have always thought global, but at the same time I can never forget where I am coming from. I have been doing a bit of touring and studio work and have been here in Jamaica a lot as well, but the truth is that if promoters in Jamaica don’t see your face or hear your voice via some kind of PR machinery, for example, then you don’t get called for a show. Like it or not that's just the way it is,” explained the entertainer who is managed by France-based Mark Miller, a former stage manager for Reggae King, Bob Marley and author of the book A White Knight in Babylon, On the Road with Bob Marley.

Admitting that he has gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from Miller in the last three years, a level-headed Warrior King had high praises for Miller’s professionalism, transparency and the respect from his peers on the world stage.  This partnership has seen Warrior King evolve and claim his space musically and otherwise, establishing his own Rootz Warrior Productions and securing fan bases in Europe, Asia, Australia and even the place considered the Holy Land, Jerusalem.

In fact, the singer, who is also working on an album, recently returned from a two-week tour which saw him performing in Belgium, Amsterdam, France and Jerusalem. Regarding the Jerusalem show, Warrior King said the reception was “overwhelming”. Warrior King not only gave a great performance alongside the city’s top sound system, Amar, he also took time to visit some of the world famous sites in the Holy Land.  

“It was a different kind of journey because you know there is the spiritual connection between Rastas and King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, who we hold as someone special. It was amazing to walk the same places as people who you only read about and visit the Ethiopian Orthodox Church there,” said the singer whose debut single, “Virtuous Woman,” was an instant hit, which built the foundation for the artiste’s reputation and established him on an international platform.

Since his auspicious beginning, Warrior King’s compositions have consistently charted not only in Jamaica, but throughout the entire Caribbean, New York, California, London, Tokyo, and beyond. The inclusion of “Never Go Where Pagans Go” on VP Records’ compilation set Reggae Gold further raised the artist’s public persona. Warrior King has so far released four internationally acclaimed albums, Virtuous Woman, Hold the Faith, Love is in the Air and Tell Me How Me Sound and is now working on a fifth.

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