February 17, 2016

Mojo Morgan says thanks for Grammy

 Gramps, Una, Mojo, Lukes and Peetah 
While Gramps, Peetah and Lukes travelled to the Grammys, and ultimately collected the award for Best Reggae Album, Mr Mojo was relaxing in Kenya, absorbing the good news that Morgan Heritage are Grammy winners.
Later this week, he joins his siblings for a tour of the USA, taking in New York, the Carolinas, Boston and other areas, after which the band returns to Africa for performances in Kenya, Zimbabwe (hopefully), Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Senegal and other countries.
Until then, Mojo says he is just relaxing and enjoying the announcement. "It's more glory to the Most High, His grace and mercy allow us to be here," he told THE STAR. "We are glad for the opportunity to do music and to uplift the culture and uplift Rastafari. We are proud Jamaicans and proud Rastafarians."
His list of thank you was overwhelming. "We thank our families for their love and support, it's their sacrifice that keeps us going; the fans who come to our concerts and buy our music; the people behind the music who make fans aware of our music, people like Contractor, Roach, Yasmin Peru, Ray Alexander, Malica from MPR Consultants, Naheesha from Urban Relations, general manager Wendy Morgan."
Mojo also said thanks to radio disc jockeys in Jamaica and abroad, fellow musicians, the media and others who may have impacted their career somehow.

"All of the reggae fraternity, locally and internationally, we give thanks. It's not a one-man show, it's all of us as musicians and we feel very proud at this time to be part of such a bunch of musicians promoting love, unity, equality and justice."
source: THE STAR

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