July 20, 2017

Digicel Rising Star Delando Colley collaborates with Jamaica’s Top Striker Black Mattic

KINGSTON, JAMAICA - A collaboration for all ages, Delando Colley and Black Mattic join forces on Better Place produced by ZJ Elektra of Elektracute Music Group (EMG).

Better Place speaks about uplifting oneself and others, despite the struggles which one goes through daily, the song encourages everyone to not give up.   In whatever field of work, one can agree that to live each day is to survive and as such being alive is a blessing. 

After being placed third in the Digicel Rising Stars Competition in 2011 at the age of 16, Delando Colley sought to follow his dream as an artiste and further his passion at the Edna Manley College of Performing Arts.  Fast forward to present year 2017, on the scene with a few singles, Better Place seeks to re-introduce Delando to Jamaica and the world with his catchy hook.
“I’m gonna take myself to a better place, no matter how long it takes I will be fighting on the way…”

Black Mattic known for hits such as “Hero Dance”, “3310 Rock” and “2lb sugar” has been working on his latest album “Press Play”.  He recently stated “This thing that we call the music industry is very tricky and it can be complicated at times.  Other musicians and djs will try and stop your progress if they recognize how great your potential is.   I have experienced this first hand since the merger of OHMG, which is my label and ZJ Elektra’s label EMG. I have no doubt Delando shares a similar struggle with his musical journey.  I believe this fight spreads beyond music into all sectors.  Despite this, they fail to understand that this propels us to work harder and smarter. Better Place will serve as a motivational song for our peers as this was our intended message.”

Nevertheless, Delando Colley and Black Mattic both recognize that this world needs more love, more patience, more strength, more forgiveness, more optimism, more humility, more understanding, more education, in a nutshell, this world needs a Better Place.

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